Friday, December 10, 2010

You Should Be Getting Far More Referrals- Here's How

Most businesses and service professionals do not gain nearly the number of referrals they could and should.  The main reason is this: they don't know how to.  Most people believe that referrals mostly come to them when they are deserved and that getting referrals in not really something you can proactively engage in.  They're wrong.  Here is a step by step process to gain FAR more referrals for your business and to develop better relationships in the meantime.
First, establish a list of people who already know, like, and trust you.  Think of those who would do most anything for you if you asked.  Most people can come up with between 10-30 of these people.  They may be family, friends, neighbors, business associates or clients, childhood friends, etc.
Next, call them or email them with a message that includes the following line: "So, ____, I am currently working to build my client base, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me?  Would you be willing to meet (or connect by phone if they're distant) on either Tues or Thursday for coffee/lunch/dinner?"  It's critical for you to use the words "help" and to avoid the word "referral".  People love to help but they hate to refer.  Most of these people will be very happy to "help" you, and so they'll respond "sure".
Next, create a profile of the types of people you're looking to be put in contact with.  It should include 4 or 5 descriptions of your top target markets (if you don't know who your top target markets are, stop reading this and figure that out before all else).  Include in this list who they are and what types of people they are.  The most specific you are the better.  For example, "business people who work in the Twin Cities are" is not nearly specific enough.  "Business owners in the Twin Cities who feel like they are working too many hours and making too little money" is much better.
Send a one page or less description of these people over to your soon-to-be referral partner the day before you meet.  Not more because if you send it out a week before they won't consider it pertinent yet and will just overlook it.
Meet with them and start off by ensuring them that you only want to brainstorm with them and that you will NOT contact anyone that you discuss unless they specifically say that you should at the end of your conversation.  Proceed for 30-60 minutes accessing their different mental "file folders" of people.  Ask them "who do you know a member of your Rotary group that fits this? Who do you know who goes to XYZ club and fits this description...." and so on.  The more specific you on this, the more people they'll magically think of.
After you go through this you should have a list of 10-30 names.  Now comes the fun part.  Tell them to rank their names on a scale of 1-10 on how well they'd fit you as a referral, 10 being the best fit.  Then start with the ones and ask, "why is Jack not a 10?"  Regardless of the answer, make a dramatic line through Jack's name and say something like "No matter, we'll take him off the list.  Next." and proceed until you're either about half way through the list or until your partner says "OK OK, stop! The rest are really good!" (most of them will say this).  The reason is because they really do want to help you and don't want to waste their time.  The brilliant thing about this is that they now become an ADVOCATE for the fact that you should be talking with these people, and their tensions about you calling those they weren't sure about are gone!  Brilliant.
Next, ask them how they'd like to let these people know about you the following way: "OK____, would you like to contact these people in person, by mail, or by phone?" The reason for doing this is that most people would chose email if you offered it.  Don't offer it.  Emails are too easy to ignore.  Get them to call their referrals and JUST GET PERMISSION FOR YOU TO HAVE A VERY BRIEF PHONE CHAT WITH THEM.  That's all they have to do.  Coach them on how to talk to people about you.  But make it clear that all they need to do is get permission for you to call them.  Don't let them try to sell them on your services. (when you do call them, make sure you are faithful to this- try to convince them to schedule a time to talk with you within a short conversation).
Lastly, set a follow up day/time.  Agree on a day that's 3-7 days out for you to have a follow up conversation.  This is important to ensure your referral partner doesn't go back to their office and get busy and forget about it.  Be sure to follow up at the agreed upon time.
At this point you're at a very good place.  You've got a bunch of names to be referred to you and someone doing the referring who believes in you.  The rest is in your hands.
This is one way to create a PROACTIVE referral strategy.  This should be worked into the marketing process for most companies and professionals in my opinion.  I've personally used this and taught it to many people who have used it successfully.
If you'd like a copy of my step by step document that includes all the scripts for each step of this process, please email me and I will send you a copy, free of charge. or call 651-705-6625

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