Saturday, December 6, 2008

Don't Listen to Advertising Companies on "How to Advertise"

As the owner of several companies, I have noticed in the last couple of months a slew of invitations coming through my mail box and email box for seminars and workshops promising to teach me how to market during a recession.  The odd thing is that most of these are being put on by advertising companies.  It would make sense to me if the advertising companies would bring in a third party to present to us, but they typically aren't.  I just got an invitation from the St. Paul Pioneer Press to attend a workshop on advertising.  What do you think they'll be "promoting" during that seminar?  I doubt it will be on the effectiveness of television advertising.  Or direct mail. Or online.  They're going to preach the gospel of newspaper advertising and be very biased in the information that they offer.  That's a very good reason for me to avoid these seminars.  How about a seminar on marketing that is not offered by a marketing company.  Well, this is what I've been doing for months.  I am a Business Coach and I offer a seminar called "5 Steps to Bigger Profits: How to Leverage Your Marketing Dollars".  I have no tie-ins or kick backs from any marketing groups or companies.  I teach the business owners in the room how to do better marketing from an unbiased standpoint.  I believe in "Education Based Marketing".  If the people in the room get value from what I teach them, they request a meeting with me, and I will end up working with a certain number of them.  I throw that out there for any of you business owners who are receiving a plentitude of invitations from biased sources who are using seminars only as a sales tool rather than as an educational too.  Look for seminars and workshops that will offer unbiased information so that you get real, accurate marketing information and ideas.  

If you're a business owner and would like more information, call my office or email me: 651-275-8999/

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